The First Maryland Community Theatre Festival was held in January of 1986 at Montgomery College Rockville, and was Produced by Col. John Moser (Ret.). At the festival he asked for volunteers to help continue this work and the Board of Directors established the Maryland One Act Tournament Association the following year. In 1991 Col. Moser left the board and the Association took on its current name, establishing itself as the Maryland State affiliate of the American Association of Community Theatre.
Since then the festival has moved around the state, using many different venues. In even numbered years, when there is no National Festival, the Eastern States Theatre Association, (Region II of AACT,) promotes new plays by holding an Original Works Festival as part of the Regional Festival, but Maryland has always promoted and encouraged new work. Several Maryland playwrights whose work premiered in the State Festival have won National and International acclaim over the years.
In this section you can read about the rules, guidelines, and adjudication process used in the Festival, and about the awards presented over the years. For a more detailed view of past participants and awards, please see the Archives section of the website.