Festival 2007

January 12, 13 &14, 2007


Rockville Little Theatre
“Readers Digest – Not”
by Jim Gustavson *
Sandy Spring Theatre Group
“Memory Garden” by Mark Scharf *
Silver Spring Stage “The Brute” a comedy by Anton Chekhov
Laurel Mill Playhouse “Why Not?” by Erica Smith *
Colonial Players of Annapolis“The Veritas Machine” by Michael Stang *
Silver Spring Stage“The Gold Lunch” by Ron Carlson
Newtowne Players of Lexington Park “Time Flies” by David Ives
Port Tobacco Players “Never Swim Alone” by Daniel MacIvor
Thurmont Thespians “Rounding Third (Condensed)” by Richard Dresser
Cedar Lane Stage of Bethesda “An Honest Arrangement” by David Wiener *
Montgomery Playhouse “A Skewed Nude” Kim Zelonis *
Hard Bargain Players “Tough Choices for the New Century” by Jane Anderson

* Indicates unpublished original script.


Outstanding Production: "The Brute" Silver Spring Stage (Advancing)
Outstanding Production: "Never Swim Alone" Port Tobacco Players (Advancing)
Outstanding Production Runner Up: "Time Flies" Newtowne Players

Outstanding Performances:
Susan Fischer - "Tough Choices for the New Century"
Meg Johannessen - "A Skewed Nude"
Sarah Raley-Dale - "Time Flies"
Brittany Duff " - A Skewed Nude"
Julie Silvestro Waite - "Why Not"
Toni Carmine - "The Brute"
David Timmerman - "Never Swim Alone"
Kyle Tusing - "Never Swim Alone"
Jacqueline Burson - "Never Swim Alone"

The Ed-Ro-Char Award for Technical Excellence:
Spence Watson "Rounding Third"

The Cliff Smith Award for Excellence in Directing:
James Kleyle "Never Swim Alone"

Adjudicators Awards:
David Standish, and the Merritt Family Scene Shop, for
Overall Visual Impact (for Tough Choices for a Tough Play )

The Cast of "Tough Choices for the New Century", for
Outstanding Costume Design

Annie Whitmore of "Time Flies", for
Outstanding Costume Design

Kim Zelonis "A Skewed Nude"
Outstanding Original Script

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