
The Maryland Community Theatre Festival Association

The 2020 Maryland Festival
January 18, 2020
Chesapeake College
Cadby Black Box Theatre
Wye Mills,MD

(In order of performance)
Colonial Players of Annapolis
Last Laugh
by Morey Norkin
Directed by Richard Wade

Port Tobacco Players
True Colors
by Kim Bessler
Directed by Kim Bessler

Silver Spring Stage
The Rockefeller Special
by Ryan Stevens
Directed by Jeff Mikoni


Outstanding Production
Silver Spring Stage
The Rockefeller Special

Outstanding Production Runner-Up
Port Tobacco Players
True Colors

The Cliff Smith Award for Excellence in Directing
Jeff Mikoni
Silver Spring Stage

The Ed-Ro-Char Award for Technical Excellence
The Design Team
Port Tobacco Players

Outstanding Ensemble Acting
Silver Spring Stage
The Rockefeller Special

Outstanding Performance
Randy Tusing
True Colors

Outstanding Performance
Jerry Vess
Last Laugh

Outstanding Movement Choreography
Jeff Mikoni
Silver Spring Stage


The Rockefeller Special
Will be performed at ESTAFest 2020, March 27th and 28th in Delaware.



The 2020 MD. Festival is dedicated to the memory of longtime Festival Stage Manager and Board Member Sandra K. Doherty.

Sandy passed away April 18, 2019.

Sandy Doherty



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