Festival 2004

2004 - Frederick Cultural Ats Cente
Frederick, MD
February 20-21

Award Winners

Outstanding Production

"Fin & Euba," by Audrey Cefaly - Silver Spring Stage

First Runner-Up
"Cry For the Gods," by Paul Handy - Sandy Spring Theatre

Second Runner-Up
"Gone," by Bob Bartlett - Hard Bargain Players


Cliff Smith Award for Excellence in Directing (Tie)
Michael Kharfen - "Fin & Euba" - Silver Spring Stage

Ed-Ro-Char Award for Technical Excellence
Spence Watson, Director - "Talking With..." - Thurmont Thespians

Judges Discretionary Awards

"Cry For the Gods" - Sandy Spring Theatre

Sound Design
"Fin & Euba" - Silver Spring Stage

Set Design
"Morning Coffee" - Port Tobacco Players

Set Dressing
"Morning Coffee" - Port Tobacco Players

Costume Design
Joanne Langan for "Scraps" costume - Thurmont Thespian

Original Script
Audrey Cefaly - "Fin & Euba" - Silver Spring Stage


Outstanding Performance Awards

Jason Myles - "Gone" - Hard Bargain Players

Penne Stansberry - "Talking With... " - Thurmont Thespians

Scott Bloom - "Cry For The Gods " - Sandy Spring Theatre

Jim Gunning - "The Problem " - Colonial Players of Annapolis

Erika Imhoof - "Fin & Euba" - Silver Spring Stage

Audrey Cefaly - "Fin & Euba" - Silver Spring Stage






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