Festival 1999

1999 - Prince George's Publik Playhouse
Cheverly, Maryland

Award Winners

Outstanding Production

Winner (tie)
"The Matchmaker's Guide to Controlling the Elements" - Montgomery Playhouse
"Grand Prize" - Greenbelt Arts Center

Runner Up
"Exuent O'Brien and Krasnov " - Bowie Community Theatre


Cliff Smith Award for Excellence in Directing
John Morogiello - "The Matchmaker's Guide to Controlling the Elements" - Montgomery Playhouse

Ed-Ro-Char Award for Technical Excellence
Lori Murray Sampson - "Tracking Angel" - Silver Spring Stage

David S. Schroeder Award
for The Spirit and Pursuit of Excellence in Acting
Caroline Glover Pleasant - "Rapture Incorporated"

Judges Discretionary Awards

Best Original Script
Martha King De Silva - "De Silva Duet:For Who the Bell, Like, Tolls & Dutch Treat" - Potomac Theatre Company

Outstanding Performance by Props
"Prom Queen" - Sandy Spring Theatre Group

Best Sound
- "De Silva Duet:For Who the Bell, Like, Tolls & Dutch Treat" - Potomac Theatre Company

Best Costumes
"Tracking Angel" - Silver Spring Stage

Best Set Design
"The Matchmaker's Guide to Controlling the Elements" - Montgomery Playhouse

Outstanding Performance Awards

Alia Faith Williams - "De Silva Duet:For Who the Bell, Like, Tolls & Dutch Treat" - Potomac Theatre Company

Geoff Wilner - "De Silva Duet:For Who the Bell, Like, Tolls & Dutch Treat" - Potomac Theatre Company

Lavern M. B. Hicks - "The Pity Party"

Michael Cooney - "Grand Prize" - Greenbelt Arts Center

Fuller Hunt - "Exuent O'Brien and Krasnov" - Bowie Community Theatre

Susan Aaron - "The Matchmaker's Guide to Controlling the Elements" - Montgomery Playhouse

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