Festival 2010

January 15th, 16th and 17th, 2010
Round House Theatre
8641 Colesville Road
Downtown Silver Spring, MD


Outstanding Production: "Clean" Silver Spring Stage (Advancing)
Outstanding Production 1st Runner Up: "American Century " Port Tobacco Players (Advancing)
Outstanding Production 2nd Runner Up: "A Separate Peace" Montgomery Playhouse

Outstanding Production Original Work: "Dead Weight" Silver Spring Stage (Advancing)
Outstanding Production Original Work 1st Runner Up: "Scene Change" Colonial Players of Annapolis (Advancing)
Outstanding Production Original Work 2nd Runner Up: "Butterfly" Newtowne Players

Outstanding Performances:
Garry Sulllivan (Mr. Brown) A Separate Peace (Montgomery Playhouse)
Geronimo Miranda (Alvaro Mangiacavallo) The Rose Tattoo (Thurmont Thespians)
Amy Victoria Parochetti (Woman) American Century (Port Tobacco Players)
Matt Baughman (Jerry) Dead Weight (Silver Spring Stage)

The Ed-Ro-Char Award for Technical Excellence:
Butterfly (Newtowne Players)

The Cliff Smith Award for Excellence in Directing:
Amy Sullivan (A Separate Peace) (Montgomery Playhouse)

Adjudicators Awards:

Original Script
Butterfly (Newtowne Players)
Dead Weight (Silver Spring Stage)
Merry Christmas, Darling (Thunderous Productions

Outstanding Costume Design
Hamlet Act VI (Colonial Players of Annapolis)
The Rose Tattooo (Thurmont Thespians)

Ensemble Acting
Clean (Silver Spring Stage)
Merry Christmas, Darling (Thunderous Productions)

Scenic Design
The Rose Tattoo (Thurmont Thespians)

"There are no Small Roles" Award
Howard Berkowitz (Maitre d) ISO (Bowie Community Players)
Karen Fleming (Nurse) A Separate Peace (Montgomery Playhouse)

"Welcome Back" Award for Being in the Festival after all these years
Lunch Break (British Players) (DC's first entry in a long time)

Stage Managers Award
Scene Change (Colonial Players)

Ensemble Crew
Rose Tattoo (Thurmont Thespians

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