Festival 2000

2000 - Rufus M. and Loraine Hall Todd Performing Arts Center
Chesapeake College
Why Mills, MD

Award Winners

Outstanding Production

"Zoo Story" - Colonial Players First Runner-Up
"A Little Trick" - Silver Spring Stage

Second Runner-Up
"Judgment Call" - Sandy Spring Theatre Group


Cliff Smith Award for Excellence in Directing
Stephanie Mumford, "A Little Trick"

Ed-Ro-Char Award for Technical Excellence
Stephanie Mumford - "A Little Trick"

David S. Schroeder Award
for The Spirit and Pursuit of Excellence in Acting
Craig Pettinati - "Judgement Call" - Sandy Spring Theatre Group

Judges Discretionary Awards

Fight Choreography
"Breaking the Silence " - Burtonsville Players

Sound Design
"Judgment Call " - Sandy Spring Theatre Group

Set Dressing
"The Whole Shebang " - Port Tobacco Players

Set Design
"A Little Trick " - Silver Spring Stage

Ensemble Performance
"Judgment Call " - Sandy Spring Theatre Group

Costume Design
"A Little Trick" - Silver Spring Stage

"The Whole Shebang " - Port Tobacco Players

Ensemble Performance
"Judgment Call " - Sandy Spring Theatre Group

Special Effect
"The Device" - "Penal Colony" - Greenbelt Arts Center

Adaptation for the Stage
Jack Sbarbori - "A Little Trick" - Silver Spring Stage

Performance in Multiple Roles
Stephen Kirkpatrick - "Breaking the Silence "


Outstanding Performance Awards

Michele Osherow - "A Little Trick" - Silver Spring Stage

James Gallagher - "Zoo Story" - Colonial Players

Joan Fontana - "Zoo Story "- Colonial Players

Roger Stone - "Judgment Call" - Sandy Spring Theatre Group

Craig Pettinati - "Judgment Call "- Sandy Spring Theatre Group


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