Festival 2005

2005 - Frederick Cultural Ats Center
Frederick, MD
January 14, 15 & 16, 2005


Award Winners


"xfiles unrequited," directed by Bob Bartlett - Hard Bargain Players

First Runner-Up
"Between Mouthfuls," directed by Edd Miller - Colonial Players of Annapolis

Second Runner-Up
"Bake Off," directed by Spencer Watson - Thurmont Thespians


Cliff Smith Award for Excellence in Directing
Bob Bartlett - "xfiles unrequited" - Hard Bargain Players

Ed-Ro-Char Award for Technical Excellence
Spencer Watson, Director - "Bake Off" - Thurmont Thespians

Judges Discretionary Awards

"Between Mouthfuls" - Colonial Players of Annapolis

Set and Costume Design
"Trifles" - Fredericktowne Players

Lighting Design
Joe Connor - "Bully" - Sandy Spring Theatre Group

Stage Movement
"In The Tank" - Silver Spring Stage

Best Original Script
Bob Bartlett - "xfiles unrequited" - Hard Bargain Players

Original Script (Honorable Mention)
Rosemary Toohey - "In The Tank" - Silver Spring Stage

Original Script (Honorable Mention)
Albi Gorn - "Double Date" - Thurmont Thespians


Outstanding Performance Awards

Adam Brandao - "xfiles unrequited" - Hard Bargain Players

Robert Heinly -"xfiles unrequited" - Hard Bargain Players

Juliette Kelsey Chagnon - "Wildwood Park" - Port Tobacco Players

Lou Swerda - "Bully" - Sandy Spring Theatre Group

Joan Crooks - "Bake Off" - Thurmont Thespians







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